Digital Signage Design Ideas to Wow Your Customers



In today's fast-paced, visually-driven world, digital signage is a powerful tool to capture attention, convey information, and create immersive experiences. From bustling city streets to movie theaters, retail stores, quick service restaurants, and beyond, digital signage drives communication and engagement between businesses and customers.

Digital signage design is not merely about displaying information; it's an art form that combines technology, content creation, and user experience to leave a lasting impact. From eye-catching video walls to on-screen promotions, this guide will explore a diverse array of design ideas that cater to a wide range of use cases and applications.

Whether you're a digital signage novice or a seasoned expert, we guarantee you can learn a thing or two about how to get the most out of your signage.

digital signage design ideas


In-Store Designs

Let’s delve into more detail on how you can use your signage in creative ways when it comes to your in-store design.

Video Walls: Video walls are all the rage in the digital signage world. Some businesses are experimenting with outdoor video walls that appear three-dimensional from certain angles. Video walls are a great way to demonstrate your creativity and present content in a compelling, innovative way. We recommend you take advantage of screen synchronization to tie your video walls with other content. “Social walls” are also rising in popularity. These video walls connect directly to your social media feed and populate with your best and newest reviews and feedback. This is an excellent way to demonstrate your business’s credibility to your customers.

Digital Ceilings & Pathways: As organizations get more creative with their digital signage design ideas, we see more and more unique installations, like digital ceilings and pathways, start to pop up. These eye-catching installations can improve the customer experience while building your reputation as a cutting-edge innovator.

Although it may be tempting to invest in unique, innovative display methods, you want to be sure that those designs actually fuel results. Work with a trusted partner that has your business’s best interest in mind. We are not discouraging innovative signage implementations, but we encourage businesses to consider their goals before moving forward with any unconventional installation projects.

Outward-Facing Displays: Outward-facing digital signage displays are an excellent way to bring customers into your store, especially in a retail or C-store environment where there are people on foot outside of your business.

Custom Surrounds: Custom fabricated surrounds can turn your screens into naturally looking parts of your store instead of screens on the wall. Custom surrounds commonly thrive in the retail space. This is a great use of digital signage that builds your brand and in-store experience.

Consider Landscape vs. Portrait Orientation: As you are planning your digital signage project and your screen sizes/orientations, consider the context behind landscape and portrait orientation. Historically, portrait orientation has been used to communicate information. Think of old print flyers and posters promoting events. How often do you see those in landscape formatting? In the digital age, landscape format tends to be better suited for entertaining as opposed to communicating information.

LCD Screens vs. Large Format LED: As you begin your signage journey, be aware that different hardware is best suited to serve different needs. If your hardware does not match your goals, you may not be able to successfully implement your digital signage design ideas. LED panels can be arranged in any shape and come in any size, making them better suited for creative installations and those looking for a higher degree of architectural freedom. LCD screens only come in a few sizes and one shape. What kind of signage you need will depend on what you are looking to accomplish.

On-Screen Content

No discussion of digital signage design ideas would be complete without a discussion of the best kinds of on-screen content. Consider implementing the following content types:

Special Offers and Discounts: This is one of the most effective ways businesses can use digital signage to drive revenue. Feature key promotions on signage to ensure customers are aware of your most compelling offers. Whether it's at the point of purchase or next to a particular item in your store, digital signage is an excellent place to shine a light on promotions.

Product Showcases/Demonstrations: Another powerful way to use your signage (both for purposes of driving revenue and improving the customer experience) is product showcases and demonstrations, especially for more complex offerings. In businesses like QSRs and movie theaters, influencing purchase behavior at the register is critical. Using your menu boards to display detailed imagery of your menu items can entice your customers to make purchases they likely weren’t initially considering. How many times have you found yourself looking at signage, or even an ad on TV for a food item and saying “Wow, that looks delicious.” You can replicate that exact feeling on your digital signage. Better yet, you can do so at the point of purchase with other senses such as smell being stimulated as well.

In addition to driving revenue, showcases and demonstrations of products can also improve the in-store experience and increase customer satisfaction. Your customers will appreciate a visual preview of a product they are looking into purchasing.

Day-Part Sensitivity: This is more of a technique than a particular kind of content. Ensure your digital signage displays are tailored to the time of day and the associated demands of customers during that time. For example, showcasing coffee in the early morning, or sandwiches during lunch hour enables your business to better connect with customers.

Customer Reviews: Leverage digital signage to showcase reviews from your customers and demonstrate why your brand is so great. Utilize written testimonials rather than video/audio, as people have short attention spans and are not likely to watch through a lengthy video, regardless of how great the content may be. Showcasing reviews do not need to be the primary focus of your signage strategy but they can serve as a nice complementary component of your overall approach.

Maps/Directories: If you are a theme park, mall, or any business occupying a large or hard-to-navigate space, streamline customer navigation with digital signage. Invest in digital maps or directors to ensure your customers can easily find their destination.

Back-Office Screens: This is a growing use case for digital signage. Many organizations are beginning to implement non-customer-facing signage to make life easier for employees. These displays can be used to shine light on reminders and to-dos and to educate employees. Although not a fit for every business, consider if your business can benefit from using screens behind the scenes.

Invest in signage that will help you meet your business goals, such as driving revenue and improving the customer experience.

digital signage in cinema


On-Screen Content Best Practices

Now that we’ve covered some varieties of digital signage content that deliver results, let’s shift our attention to some best practices for your on-screen content.

Keep it Simple: When it comes to digital signage, simple is better. You do not have much time to capture and keep a viewer’s attention. If your signage displays are overly complex, you are likely to lose the attention of the viewer.

Maintain Brand Consistency: When building a brand, you want customers to immediately associate certain colors, fonts, and aesthetics with your business. Make sure your signage maintains consistency with your existing brand guidelines.

Keep Aspect Ratios in Mind: Few things are more frustrating than designing content only to realize the display it will be used on is different than what you were planning for. Verify your screen size and aspect ratios before designing any content to avoid potential mishaps.

Leave Some Space Outside: To avoid any imagery bleeding off-screen, leave room around the margins of your designs. The center of attention should be the center of the screen.

Remember Design Principles: If you are not a graphic designer, you may not be familiar with concepts such as the “rule of thirds”, the F pattern”, and the “3x5 rule.” Ensure your on-screen designs incorporate these graphic design methodologies to maximize their effectiveness.

A good rule of thumb when it comes to your imagery is to consider how far away your viewers will be. If your viewers are 200 feet away, leverage big, eye-popping visuals that are visible from a distance. Around 20 feet is a good distance to start getting more promotional with your content and include some text or a call to action. If the viewer is roughly 2 feet away, you have the green light to communicate finer details like pricing. Obviously, this does not apply in every scenario, but it is important that your business understands what visuals are appropriate for what distance.

Test CTAs and Copy: How can you find what language and CTAs truly resonate with your customers if you do not test? A great digital signage CMS affords you the unique opportunity to simply and effectively test different creatives at hundreds of locations with the click of a button. Ensure you take advantage of this opportunity, and closely monitor the results of your tests. You will be surprised how much you can learn.

Use a Large Enough Font: Most signage is viewed by people who are seven to ten feet away. Make sure your visuals are easy to read, and appear large enough. It is also a best practice to keep your copy relatively short. You want your message to be read and understood in the blink of an eye. Very simple messaging in a large font tends to be the most effective way to utilize the written word in your signage displays.

Contrast is Critical: Your visuals should not be hard to read or interpret. Use proper contrast to make sure that your displays are visually appealing regardless of lighting, angle, or other factors.

Focus on Short-Form Content: There are very few (if any) situations where your digital signage should display long-form content. You don’t have to use your digital signage to build a story, and typically, you do not have time. The purpose of your digital signage is to attract the eye and build an appetite for your offering, whether it be a cheeseburger or a pair of shoes. Communicate what you need to in a short, succinct manner, with your CTA visible at all times.

Utilize Motion: One of the biggest benefits of digital signage is the opportunity to use motion in your signage. Your business should make use of motion to capture more eyes and attention wherever possible.

Shoot Real Video: Real video is the best form of motion you can use for your signage. If you have the budget to shoot real video to showcase your products, it is a good idea to make that investment.

Consider QR Codes: QR codes are becoming more and more common in digital advertising, and for good reason. If you are looking to send the viewers of your signage to a particular webpage, a QR code is a great way to get them there. A great example is promoting sign-up for a loyalty program. Include a QR code linking to the sign-up page at the register, and you should see considerably more sign-ups.

digital signage in movie theater


An Example of Great Digital Signage

When done right, digital signage is an incredibly powerful addition to your business. If you are looking for an example of digital signage done right, take a look at our recent installation project for Regal Entertainment.



We hope your business is able to leverage some of these digital signage design ideas to help take its signage to the next level. If your business is new to the digital signage world or is looking to get started on a new project, we would be glad to help. We have helped recognizable brands across industries turn their digital signage design ideas into realities, and we’d love to do the same for you. Simply give us a call or request a free consultation today to get started!

Meet The Team

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Jacob Volk


Bringing two decades of technology operations experience, Jacob Volk, MBA, made a transition to the digital signage industry in 2008. He played a pivotal role in founding DEEL in 2009 and specializes in scaling operations, driving revenue growth, and ensuring customer success.

What is Digital Signage, And How is it Different From Regular Signage?

What is Digital Signage, And How is it Different From Regular Signage?

In technical terms, digital signage refers to the use of digital displays or screens to present information, advertisements, or other forms of content. It involves the use of technologies such as LCD, LED, or projection screens to display multimedia content, including images, videos, text, and interactive elements. Simply put, it is a more engaging way to display messages than traditional signage. 

You can find digital signage everywhere, from retail stores, to airports, to hotels, to restaurants, to schools. It serves as a dynamic and flexible communication tool that allows businesses and organizations to deliver targeted messages to their audience.

The first key difference between digital signage and run-of-the-mill signage is the ability to display crystal-clear, dynamic content. This can completely transform the experience of a shopper, visitor, or whoever is viewing your signage. The bright display is hard to ignore, especially when it is in video format. Digital signage is simply more effective at attracting attention than conventional signage. Think about your personal experiences. Which menu board do you think commands more attention, a chalkboard with the day’s specials, or a visual display with bright colors and real, moving imagery showcasing one of the day’s specials?

Beyond higher engagement, another major difference between digital signage and traditional signage is the flexibility provided by digital signage. Rather than taking down your signage every time you want to communicate a new message or make an edit, digital signage enables you to store all of your content in one centralized location, and make changes to display with the push of a button. This makes life considerably easier for any organization that runs promotions or is frequently making tweaks to its offerings.